Friday, December 22, 2006

Been a while, 'asinit ?

I never promised you anything, but you know... I feel like an absentee landlord not checking up on you.
A nice match 'n gas combo will cheer you up. Poor thing.
Anyway, here is the rundown of what I consider the best DVD releases of 2006 (soon to be added to the fucking mighty DVDBEAVER)

1. Beyond The Valley of the Dolls (Meyer, 1970) R1 FOX
2. Savage Innocents (Ray, 1960) R0 PAL MOC
3. Busby Berkeley Collection (Various) R1 WB
4. Double Indemnity (Wilder, 1944) R1 UNI
5. Mr. Arkadin (Welles, 1955) R1 CC
6. Sam Peckinpah’s Legendary Westerns Collection (Various) R1 WB
7. We Jam Econo: The Story of the Minutemen (Irwin, 2005) R1 PLEXI
8. Luciano Ercolis Death Box Set (Ercoli, Various ) R1 NO SHAME
9. The Vampire Collection: El Vampiro & El Ataud del Vampiro (Mendez) R1 Casa Negra
10.Burst City (Ishii, 1982) R1 DISCOTEK
Honestly, was there any question that BVD would top the charts ? if you doubt me you too "will drink the black sperm of my VENGEANCE!"

See you twerps in 2007.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Turn the Beat Around...let's make nice for a change :)

You know, in the week since I started this inane inside joke of a blog ( 1 viewer so far )all you ( Liz I guess ) have seen is a nagative curmudgeon materialize.
Well, the Opprobrious 1 is not just a one note, he see's some good in the what you say ?
If you don't know by now, the WORST Scopitone is better than any video on MTV right now ( and possibly of all time, although that's up for debate ).
Take this little jem. Looks like it was filmed by Jess Franco with parts left over from "Bloody Pit of Horror". Lurid & confusing - just like a Jess Franco film. Oh! and it's in french just to further confuse & irritate (again just like a Franco flick).

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Feel the L.O.V.E. Baby!

So, I was a little down on what a scam the closing of C.B.G.B.S was/is & the pathetic state of affairs with "punk" in general (BTW there's like a zillion documentaries {out or going to be realeased later this year} with the same assholes yammering on about PR. When I keep seeing the same names OVER & OVER it makes you think "can't they do better than Ian MacKaye ?"...but I digress)
As an appology please accept the following video.
Hell, even 'ole Hank Rollins digs these guys.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

C.B.G.B.'S Curtain Call & T-Shirt Emporium

As I type this out, I'm listening to the last show at the "legendary" C.B.G.B.'s on Sirius 24 (Disorder) & the only woman that Robert Mapplethorpe laid pipe into.....Patti Smith is the closing act. Bring down the curtain & get over IT people !
Smith, as usual is full of herself. The band is sloppy. She told a punrock paparazzi to fuck off and demanded that Gitmo be closed ( & in a nifty media savy moment she also happend to unveil a new song about *supprise* said prison called <> "Chains").
After a break (old folks need their rest you know) I was assualted with the WORSE cover of "Sonic Reducer". EVER.
Think of your mom singing it DRUNK & karaoke style. It's that bad.
Stiv is rolling in his grave right now (and sadly not over a teenage Brooke Shields).
So, all of this mishegas to move some T-shirts & other tacky souvenirs ? I guess so.

I always was under the impression that "punk" was in rebellion to all of the forced phony youth culture that was soul robbing & a way to make quick buck off the gullible who belived in such things.
ll, I got the sucker part right. CB's closing is proof.
Besides, punk's not dead -it's in a mall near you for $ 20!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Pull My Finger- I DARE You

 You Know, when you remove yourself from the maelstrom & look how the rest of the world lives it makes you think. When you are wanted, it makes you think. When you don the canine... it makes you think.
Think that over.
I know I am.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Can't A Man Eat his Chili Burger in Peace ?

Honestly you people. Putting up with your petulant selves not enough for you ? I tolerate you for a good part of my day, & what do I get in return?
Some pink haired harpy & her mall punk companion runing a perfectly good chili burger.
The woman in the short short jeans with yer cheeks hannging out, your parents must be proud of you: all of THAT and a stewardess too? 
Jesus christ, what a bizarro 70's soft porn moment you leached into the dining room.
Man, now I gotta find my copy of NAUGHTY STEWARDESSES.
That's what people have forced me into today, a fucking Al Adamson film.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Post Game Wrap-Up

You know, after a rough day of *whatever* nothing beats a cup of coffee with friend(s).
Booze can only do so much for me, and let's face it- people in bars are assholes on the prowl.
Only in this case I was a cheapskate, skipped the coffee & just had a nice Linda Richman moment
covering topics from the Dead Boys to feline mistaken identity syndrome.
Gotta wash some socks.
Find them quaters.
Seed's "Can't Seem To Make You Mine" On Sirius tops off the day nicely.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

1st Strike

 Choices, choices.....Myspace or some sort of blog. Either way, who realy IS my target audience ? Bunch of people that have been haranguing (hello Finster) me or a bunch complete strangers ?
Honestly, what kind of person keeps a journal these days? It just seems like too much ink that will haunt you down the line, or even worse people saying: "but WAIT you just said X about Y last year" or "what gives you the right to like Wasa over Rye Crisp when you know about the war in ____ ?!"
Bullshit. Worse than the HS locker gossip in my book. But, here I am & thank (insert what ever deity ya likes here) nobody REALY does care.
Ego like the Hindenburg & just as explosive.
Ren nailed it kids.... " It's me they love! I am the KING ".