Sunday, January 28, 2007

Noir City 5: Part 2

Well, nothing could throw a wet blanket over the festivities (or so I thought).
First of all, Marsha Hunt was utterly charming & looked great for a 90 year old woman ( many of the boys in the audience were buzzing!).
Now for those of you who don't know, Ms. Hunt was one of the performers who turned up on the notorious Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio and Television  (the Hollywood "blacklist" )& later flew to Washington DC to support those on the list. No boring history lessons here, but to me ANY list that has Burl Ives down as a commie is fucked up.
(although Ives is a rat faced stoolie for putting the finger on Pete Seegar)
But the past is the past & since I did not live through that shabby bit of US History
I'm gonna move it along here.
I wish others could, but sorry to say no dice.
Before you know it we were into Iraq & the knee-jerk liberal SF folks were all a twitter with the M.I.K.E. quickly squirming in his seat. Sorta like what I said earlier:Shut-up & watch the movie. And thankfully that's what we got around to (but not before Muller called people with camera phones and/or DV cams assholes to the Pavlovian audience's approval.Waste of time. Just kick them out if they are violating the rules)
Next up was The Kid Glove Killer. It was an OK Van Heflin vehicle with the tried & true noir theme of a crooked politico who looks squeaky clean vs the tenacious cop/detective (or in this case a pre-CSI/Quincy M.E character). I was more interested in the blink-and-she-is-gone Ava Gardner & spouse killer Robert Blake popping up in small roles. Overall, not a bad evening even WITH the goofballs working my last nerves.
I'm making it a point to check out Monday's twin bill of The Threat & Roadblock . It's a night that's a "Tribute to tough guy Charles McGraw".
Sounds like my kinda night.

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